
Ayurveda, Tibetan Cranial, Spinal Flow, Reiki, Marma, yoga, and yoga therapy are holistic complements to western medicine. They are not substitutes for a medical diagnosis or the services of a physician or other licensed health care provider. Susan Bernhardt is not licensed, registered, or certified by any state as a health care professional, other than as a licensed massage therapist. You should discuss any recommendations by Essence Ayurveda with your primary care physician or other licensed health care provider. Essence Ayurveda does not provide conventional medical disease diagnosis or prescription drugs, devices, or substances. Essence Natural Healing will not advise that anyone discontinue a course of care, including a prescription drug, that was recommended or prescribed by a licensed health care professional. The Food & Drug Administration has not evaluated any statements regarding herbal supplements that may be recommended, and herbal supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Essence Ayurveda does not and cannot guarantee or predict the success of any services or products. 

Susan Bernhardt's use of the terms "yoga therapy," "yoga therapist," "therapeutic yoga," and "therapeutic hatha yoga" are based on her completion of the Yoga Therapy program of the Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda and her certification as a Yoga Therapist by the International Association of Yoga Therapists and her designation as an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist by the National Ayurvedic Medicine Association. The use of these terms is not based on her RYT designation from Yoga Alliance. 

Photo: Jomsom, Nepal, by Susan Bernhardt, 9/2022